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Student Grievance Policy

It is the intent of PERCOM to provide quality training for the student.  The mission is to prepare the student to become a contributory member of the pre-hospital care team.  If at any time the student feels that he has not been treated fairly in a situation that has not been outlined in the Policy and Procedure manual/Student Handbook, the student should file, in writing, a grievance with the Course Coordinator or Program Director. The grievance can be mailed to the main address for PERCOM as stated in other provided course documentation and made readily available on the PERCOM website and should be received within 15 calendar days of the situation or issue. If no action is taken or the action taken is not to the student’s satisfaction, the student shall, within ten working days of receipt of the initial grievance, pursue the matter with the course Medical Director, in writing to the same address as listed above. Policies that have been provided to the student and acknowledged by the student are exempt from grievance.

If a grievance is submitted appropriately and in writing to the Course Coordinator or Program Director, PERCOM will respond to the grievance within 10 days of receipt of the grievance. If the grievance necessitates a Review Committee, the Committee Review will be completed within 30 days of the receipt of the complaint with a response to the complainant. If the complaint or if a policy, procedure, or rule violation exists and necessitates a Hearing, all parties will be notified within 10 days of the scheduled date and time of the Hearing, methods to participate in the Hearing, and deadlines for submitting proof or documentation in support or in defense of the complaint or allegation. PERCOM and PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium does not guarantee that a hearing will be held for any complaint or grievance.

Grievances not submitted appropriately as designated above will not be reviewed will not receive a response.