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PATT for AEMT or Paramedic NREMT Psychomotor Exams

NREMT now has a new policy for AEMT and Paramedic testing candidates for the psychomotor exam. The new policy requires that the Program Director for the school mark candidates clear for the psychomotor portion of the certification exam at nremt.org. This means the following:

1. You must successfully complete all the way through skills testing for the level you plan to certify (AEMT or Paramedic).
2. You must set up your application on the NREMT website for the level you plan to certify and mark PERCOM as your school.
3. You must email Jane at programdirector@percomonline.com or message her to request to be marked clear for the NREMT psychomotor exam. Be sure to state the level of exam you are planning to test in that email.
4. You will be required to give the PATT number assigned to you to the Exam Coordinator where you call to schedule and pay for your psychomotor exam.

This does not apply to EMT candidates as the skills testing at your Exit Session counts also for your NREMT psychomotor examination. Thank you.