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Paramedic Salary for All US States


With the growing demand for emergency medical services, the profession of paramedics is becoming increasingly vital. Not only do they provide critical care on the front lines, but they also play a significant role in saving lives.

As the need for qualified paramedics continues to rise, it’s important to understand the salary trends and what the future holds for this in-demand profession.

In recent years, paramedic salaries have seen a steady increase due to various factors. One of the main drivers is the shortage of qualified personnel, which creates a high demand for their services. This demand, coupled with the growing importance placed on emergency medical services, has led to an upward trajectory in paramedic salaries.

The future looks promising for aspiring paramedics, as the profession is expected to experience continued growth. With advancements in technology, increased funding for healthcare, and the aging population, the demand for paramedics is projected to soar. This surge in demand will likely result in even higher salaries in the coming years.

Whether you’re considering a career as a paramedic or evaluating your current salary, understanding the ongoing trends can help you make informed decisions. In this article, we will explore the evolving landscape of paramedic salaries and shed light on what the future holds for this critical profession.

Current Salary Trends for Paramedics

Paramedic salaries have seen significant growth in recent years, with the trend expected to continue. The average salary for paramedics varies based on factors such as experience, location, and level of certification. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for paramedics was $36,650 in 2020. However, this figure can vary greatly depending on the region and the employer.

In some high-demand areas, paramedics can earn well above the national average. For instance, paramedics in urban areas with a higher cost of living may command higher salaries. Additionally, paramedics who work in specialized fields such as flight or critical care transport may also earn higher wages due to the specialized training and skills required for these roles.

Factors Influencing Paramedic Salaries

Several factors influence paramedic salaries, including experience, education, certifications, and geographic location. Paramedics with more years of experience tend to earn higher wages, as they have accumulated valuable knowledge and skills over time. Similarly, paramedics with advanced degrees or certifications may have more opportunities for career advancement and higher salaries.

Geographic location plays a significant role in determining paramedic salaries. Salaries can vary widely across different states and regions due to differences in cost of living, demand for paramedics, and state-specific regulations. Paramedics in densely populated urban areas may earn higher salaries compared to those in rural or less populated areas.

Another factor that can impact paramedic salaries is the type of employer. Paramedics working for private ambulance companies, hospitals, or government agencies may have different salary structures and benefits. Additionally, paramedics who work in specialized fields such as firefighting or law enforcement may receive additional compensation for their dual roles.

working hard to earn that paramedic salary

Projected Growth and Demand for Paramedics

The demand for paramedics is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The aging population, advancements in technology, and increased funding for healthcare are all contributing to this projected growth. As the elderly population increases, there is a greater need for emergency medical services to provide care for age-related health issues and emergencies.

Advancements in technology, such as telemedicine and mobile healthcare units, are also driving the demand for paramedics. Paramedics are now being utilized in new and innovative ways, such as providing remote care and responding to non-emergency medical calls. These emerging roles and opportunities for paramedics will likely contribute to the overall growth and demand in the profession.

Emerging Roles and Opportunities for Paramedics

Paramedics are no longer limited to traditional ambulance services. The evolving healthcare landscape has created new roles and opportunities for paramedics to expand their scope of practice. One such role is that of community paramedics, who provide preventive care, health education, and chronic disease management to underserved populations.

Another emerging role for paramedics is in disaster response and emergency preparedness. Paramedics with specialized training in disaster response can play a crucial role in providing immediate medical care during natural disasters, mass casualty incidents, and other emergencies. These specialized roles often come with additional training and certifications, which can lead to higher salaries and career advancement opportunities.

Geographic Variations in Paramedic Salaries

Paramedic salaries can vary significantly depending on the geographic location. Factors such as cost of living, demand for paramedics, and state-specific regulations all contribute to these variations. Paramedics working in states with higher living costs, such as California or New York, may earn higher salaries to offset the increased expenses.

Additionally, paramedics working in urban areas where the demand for emergency medical services is higher may also earn higher wages. On the other hand, paramedics working in rural or less populated areas may earn lower salaries due to lower demand and fewer resources available.

It’s important for paramedics to consider these geographic variations when evaluating job opportunities or considering relocation. Researching the average salaries and cost of living in different areas can help paramedics make informed decisions about their career paths.

Methodology and Data Source

To gather the latest salary data for paramedics, we relied on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS provides comprehensive occupational data, including average wages for emergency medical technicians and paramedics. We analyzed the average salaries for paramedics in each state, examining wages and changes over for the 5 year period ending in 2019. These numbers have changed some since 2019, but the top states versus bottom states trend continues and is the focus of the following information.

Top 10 States Where Paramedics Earn the Most Money

Paramedics in certain states enjoy higher salaries compared to others. Here are the top 10 states where paramedics earn the most money:

  1. Hawaii: With an average paramedic salary of $56,610, paramedics in Hawaii take the top spot for earning the highest wages in the country.
  2. Washington: Paramedics in Washington earn an average salary of $56,140, making it the second-highest paying state for this profession.
  3. Maryland: Maryland offers an average paramedic salary of $50,750, securing the third position on our list.
  4. Alaska: Paramedics in Alaska earn an average salary of $50,640, placing the state in the fourth spot.
  5. Connecticut: With an average paramedic salary of $46,510, Connecticut ranks fifth among the highest-paying states for paramedics.
  6. New York: Paramedics in New York earn an average salary of $44,920, putting the state in the sixth position on our list.
  7. Massachusetts: Massachusetts offers an average paramedic salary of $44,140, making it the seventh highest-paying state.
  8. California: Paramedics in California earn an average salary of $43,680, securing the eighth position on our list.
  9. Minnesota: With an average paramedic salary of $43,620, Minnesota ranks ninth among the top-earning states for paramedics.
  10. Illinois: Paramedics in Illinois earn an average salary of $43,310, placing the state in the tenth spot.

The growth in paramedic salaries varies across these top-earning states. For example, in Hawaii, salaries have increased by 15.6% from 2014 to 2019. Maryland has seen a significant rise of over 28% in paramedic wages during the same period. However, Washington experienced a slight decline of 3% in paramedic salaries during that time.

Bottom 10 States Where Paramedics Earn the Least Money

While some states offer high salaries for paramedics, others fall behind in compensation. Here are the bottom 10 states where paramedics earn the least money:

  1. West Virginia: Paramedics in West Virginia earn an average salary of $29,920, making it the lowest-paying state for this profession.
  2. Alabama: With an average paramedic salary of $30,240, Alabama ranks second among the lowest-paying states.
  3. Kansas: Paramedics in Kansas earn an average salary of $30,890, placing the state in the third position on our list.
  4. Kentucky: Kentucky offers an average paramedic salary of $31,250, securing the fourth spot among the lowest-paying states.
  5. Montana: Paramedics in Montana earn an average salary of $32,050, ranking fifth on our list.
  6. Mississippi: With an average paramedic salary of $32,480, Mississippi falls in the sixth position among the lowest-paying states.
  7. South Dakota: Paramedics in South Dakota earn an average salary of $32,620, placing the state in the seventh spot.
  8. Michigan: Michigan offers an average paramedic salary of $33,760, securing the eighth position among the lowest-paying states.
  9. Ohio: Paramedics in Ohio earn an average salary of $34,020, making it the ninth lowest-paying state.
  10. Pennsylvania: With an average paramedic salary of $34,310, Pennsylvania ranks tenth among the lowest-paying states.

While average paramedic salaries have fluctuated over the years, none of these states experienced a decline from 2014 to 2019. Some states saw a rise and fall in wages during this period. For instance, in Mississippi, salaries reached a peak of $37,070 in 2017 but decreased by nearly $5,000 by 2019. It’s important to note that regional generalizations cannot be applied uniformly to each state. For example, Louisiana, a neighboring state to Mississippi, offers paramedics an average salary of $42,310, making it the 13th highest-paying state in the country.

Average Paramedic Salaries in Each State

Here is a comprehensive list of average annual paramedic wages in all 50 states, based on the most comprehensive data as of May 2019, as provided by the BLS. The table also includes each state’s average annual wage from 2014 to 2019, as well as the five-year change.

StateAverage Annual Wage (2019)Average Annual Wage (2014)5-Year Change
New Hampshire$39,010$38,1502.3%
New Jersey$43,640$44,110-1.1%
New Mexico$37,640$36,9401.9%
New York$44,920$44,0602.0%
North Carolina$34,440$33,4303.0%
North Dakota$38,440$39,900-3.7%
Rhode Island$43,760$42,7602.3%
South Carolina$33,990$33,0902.7%
South Dakota$32,620$32,5300.3%
West Virginia$29,920$31,290-4.4%


Paramedics play a vital role in our healthcare system, providing essential care during emergencies. While their work is demanding and requires extensive training, the salaries of paramedics vary significantly across different states. Hawaii and Washington offer the highest average paramedic salaries, while West Virginia and Alabama fall at the lower end of the spectrum. It’s important to consider regional factors, cost of living, and demand when evaluating paramedic salaries. By understanding these variations, aspiring paramedics can make informed decisions about their career paths and choose the states that offer the best opportunities for growth and compensation.

Remember, becoming a paramedic is not just a profession; it’s a calling to serve and save lives. The dedication and commitment of paramedics should be recognized and rewarded appropriately to ensure the continued availability of skilled professionals in this critical field.

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