PERCOM’s policy for scheduling approved students is 30 days minimum in advance for your initial site and date requests. (Some sites require MORE time than that even.) The reason for this is because it can take that long to get responses and approvals or denials from many of the sites. There is paperwork that has to be sent to site as well as some of them have extra paperwork they will need or even orientation sessions for you at their facilities. So it takes time to set up your first requests.
We REQUIRE a MINIMUM of 2 weeks up to at least 30 days notice for rotation date requests after you have pulled your first ones at a specific site or if the affiliated site is your employer. It you are rotating at your place of employment, we still have to submit paperwork and get you approved. However, you will need to talk to our Clinical Faculty in advance for approval and your employer will work with them to set your schedule. Even requested dates from employers require at least 2 weeks notice to our clinical faculty to have time to get you scheduled in Platinum. Rememeber, you CANNOT pull rotations on EMS duty unless you are prescheduled with us AND you are the third person rider with a Paramedic preceptor riding in the back with you for every call. It would be impossible to pull rotations while on duty if you work in a hospital or clinic site as your job duties would not involve an active preceptor watching over you in most cases.
If the site is NOT your place of employment, you must give at least 30 days notice for all requested dates for rotations.
Be aware that once you request dates, you MUST keep those dates/times open. Some sites do not approve or deny until up to the day before. If you requested dates, however, and you are 2 business days out and they are still not posted in Platinum Planner, text the on duty clinical faculty member and ask about your shifts.
Thank you for your patience and please work positively with us to get things scheduled. Our Faculty really do go above and beyond for you when you try and abide by the rules and policies and treat them with respect, diplomacy and professionalism.