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EMS Instructor Certification

Online EMS Instructor Course

Earn Your EMS Instructor Certification with Our 100% Online Program

This 12-week, self-paced online course is designed for EMS professionals who want to teach continuing education or initial training. With our program, you’ll learn how to create effective quizzes and tests, deliver informative presentations, and develop the teaching skills you need to succeed in today’s fast-paced work environment. You’ll gain the confidence and expertise to educate your peers and help shape the future of EMS.

Our EMS Instructor certification course meets the needs of Texas EMS personnel who require an “Adult Methods of Teaching” program. It’s based on the 2010 standards set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the NAEMSE curriculum guidelines. EMS professionals from other disciplines can also use this course to complete a minimum 40-hour “Adult Methods of Teaching” course, pending approval from their individual disciplines and states. Please check with your state if you’re unsure about your specific requirements for teaching.

Ready to start your journey to earning your EMS instructor certification? Simply signup for our EMS Instructor Course today! Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your career and make a lasting impact on the EMS community.

How do I pay tuition and start the process of becoming an EMS Instructor?

Enter EMS Instructor Course