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Current Rotation Issues

Posted 3/11/2020 at 7:27 p.m.

If you are cleared for rotations or are currently completing rotations but rotation sites refuse to schedule your requests or cancel scheduled rotation dates/times (which will be verified with our Clinical Coordinator), you may apply for a free extension to compensate for this time if the affected time is significant in relation to your schedule.

Also, if you are sick (sniffles, symptoms of a cold, flu, etc.) you MUST text Mrs. Williams and cancel your rotations. Do NOT attend rotations if you are ill and risk spreading infectious disease to others. Follow appropriate cancellation procedures outlined in the Clinical Manual emailed to you initially by Mrs. Williams and posted inside Student Resources in your online coursework on this site. If you do miss several rotations or cannot schedule due to illness and it causes you to need more time to complete rotations, you may apply for an extension.

Jane Dinsmore, Program Director