if ('undefined' === typeof _affirm_config) { var _affirm_config = { public_api_key: "MUWLH5CNQ9OWFRSB", script: "https://www.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js", locale: "en_US", country_code: "USA", }; (function(l, g, m, e, a, f, b) { var d, c = l[m] || {}, h = document.createElement(f), n = document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0], k = function(a, b, c) { return function() { a[b]._.push([c, arguments]) } }; c[e] = k(c, e, "set"); d = c[e]; c[a] = {}; c[a]._ = []; d._ = []; c[a][b] = k(c, a, b); a = 0; for ( b = "set add save post open " + "empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct" .split(" "); a < b.length; a++ ) d[b[a]] = k(c, e, b[a]); a = 0; for (b = ["get", "token", "url", "items"]; a < b.length; a++) d[b[a]] = function() {}; h.async = !0; h.src = g[f]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(h, n); delete g[f]; d(g); l[m] = c })( window, _affirm_config, "affirm", "checkout", "ui", "script", "ready" ); }

Pay with Affirm Activated!

affirm logo

Starting today, March 29, 2024, PERCOMOnline has officially partnered with AFFIRM! New students can now finance their full tuition and textbooks, with approved credit. In lew of this new financing …

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New Payment Processor Information

NEW Payment Processor Live Now!   We are no longer working with PayPal or their partners, and are now working directly with our bank as merchants for payment processing!   …

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Support Help Desk Created!

For students and users of PERCOMCourses.com, or any other clients who have questions or issues, please send a Ticket to Support by clicking on the SUPPORT button on the top …

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Site HTTPS Secure

As of today, PERCOMCourses.com is now HTTPS secure! Your personal information is now encrypted under our security systems.