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Warning about Cheating!

Students who cheat on completing course materials or on clinical paperwork or data submissions (fraudulently documenting hours, shifts, contacts, skills, preceptors, preceptor evaluations, etc.) are subject to severe disciplinary action …

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Social Media Announcements

Please follow us on Twitter (Percomonline) and/or Facebook (PercomOnline Inc and PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium Alumni) for postings about events, issues, etc. We are branching more and more into …

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Out-Of-Texas Rotations

Students who are from out of state may or may not be able to pull rotations outside of Texas. CAAHEP standards for Paramedic students now state that EMS Education Programs …

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Pharmacologically Assisted Intubation Article!

This link goes to an amazing article on RSI/PAI that you should read. It was co-written by our very own, Gene Gandy. Awesome reading. http://www.emsworld.com/article/12106319/rapid-and-delayed-sequence-intubation?utm_source=EMS+Digital&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CPS150911009

PlatinumPlanner.com Mobile App

For skills and rotations, some of you may prefer to use Platinum Planner’s mobile app on your personal device or phone. The link to the instructions for this app is: …

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