if ('undefined' === typeof _affirm_config) { var _affirm_config = { public_api_key: "MUWLH5CNQ9OWFRSB", script: "https://www.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js", locale: "en_US", country_code: "USA", }; (function(l, g, m, e, a, f, b) { var d, c = l[m] || {}, h = document.createElement(f), n = document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0], k = function(a, b, c) { return function() { a[b]._.push([c, arguments]) } }; c[e] = k(c, e, "set"); d = c[e]; c[a] = {}; c[a]._ = []; d._ = []; c[a][b] = k(c, a, b); a = 0; for ( b = "set add save post open " + "empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct" .split(" "); a < b.length; a++ ) d[b[a]] = k(c, e, b[a]); a = 0; for (b = ["get", "token", "url", "items"]; a < b.length; a++) d[b[a]] = function() {}; h.async = !0; h.src = g[f]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(h, n); delete g[f]; d(g); l[m] = c })( window, _affirm_config, "affirm", "checkout", "ui", "script", "ready" ); }

Cheating – AI and Plagiarism

With the advent of systems out there like ChatGBT, we have been seeing an increase in cheating. Use of Artificial Intellgence to write your papers is still cheating, just like …

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P2 Students Summative Psychomotor Exam

All P2 students who must complete the Summative Psychomotor Exam component before graduation: First, read your P2 counseling form carefully. I sent this out after you take and pass the …

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MANDATORY READ about Rotations Scheduling

This is a reminder that students are BARRED from self-scheduling for rotations.  You MUST schedule through and in coordination with PERCOM Clinical Faculty.  This is POLICY and breach of this …

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HIPAA and Photos

This is just a friendly reminder to ALL students that taking pics while on rotation calls or contacts with your phone (or other methods) while on rotations is not allowed.  …

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Adaptive Testing

Remember, ALL students must do the Adaptive Testing piece while in rotations and to be cleared for graduatio when it is time.  This will keep you fresh in the “what …

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