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Preparing for NREMT CBT Exams Help

A fellow student of yours has written and published a great book that is available on Amazon called “Ace Your Test” by Wayne Labat. If you have difficulty with exams, …

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Identify your Course in Emails

We request that when you email or message us, please put what course you are in (200D, 200F, 400E, etc.) in the email and sign your emails with your name.  …

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Pharmacology Qual Study Resource

We highly recommend you consider purchasing and using this textbook to study either before you take your Pharmacology Qualifying Quiz or, if you don’t pass it on the first attempt. …

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Reminder about Policies

One policy that is posted in the Student Handbook for 200, 300 and 400 students (but that also applies to EMS Instructor students) is that you MUST continue to log …

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Student Email Issues

We have more than one student with email addresses other than gmail.com that we highly suspect are not receiving emails from our faculty or staff and/or Jot Form Student Movement …

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Drug Calculations Site

As an added feature, one of our prior grads (who is also a current course editor) has shared this site for free with our students from his paid site.  It …

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Pharmacology Math

Paramedic students, you MUST be able to do basic math without a calculator or other electronic devices to deliver medications in the field safely at ALL times, and it is …

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