if ('undefined' === typeof _affirm_config) { var _affirm_config = { public_api_key: "MUWLH5CNQ9OWFRSB", script: "https://www.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js", locale: "en_US", country_code: "USA", }; (function(l, g, m, e, a, f, b) { var d, c = l[m] || {}, h = document.createElement(f), n = document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0], k = function(a, b, c) { return function() { a[b]._.push([c, arguments]) } }; c[e] = k(c, e, "set"); d = c[e]; c[a] = {}; c[a]._ = []; d._ = []; c[a][b] = k(c, a, b); a = 0; for ( b = "set add save post open " + "empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct" .split(" "); a < b.length; a++ ) d[b[a]] = k(c, e, b[a]); a = 0; for (b = ["get", "token", "url", "items"]; a < b.length; a++) d[b[a]] = function() {}; h.async = !0; h.src = g[f]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(h, n); delete g[f]; d(g); l[m] = c })( window, _affirm_config, "affirm", "checkout", "ui", "script", "ready" ); }

About New Rotation Site Requests

First, we would like to remind students that we can only take site request forms for states in which we already have approval (or it is not a LIMITED approval …

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Update on Rotations – Mandatory

These are REMINDERS about mandatory items for rotations. Please read this carefully.  They apply to you when you are attending either hospital or EMS site rotations. 1. Students can not leave …

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Homework Issues

I have received three emails in a row from students in response to being past didactic deadline stating that the students had completed all of their homework and were preparing …

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NREMT Exam Study Help

If you are interested in outside study resources to prepare you for NREMT or for if you don’t pass the CBT the first time, this is a discount code for …

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Exam Scoring

Exam grades in our program are not RAW score exams. A raw score grading criteria means that if you have 10 questions, each question would be worth 10 points so …

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