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More Advanced Psychomotor Exam Information

TECHNICALLY, the NREMT says that you are not allowed to take the AEMT or Paramedic skills psychomotor exam for certification until after you receive course completion from the program unless the state allows you to receive an early clearance known as Preauthorization to Test or PATT. HOWEVER, you should NOT do your NREMT psychomotor exam until after you have successfully completed your PERCOM Skills Testing Session for the respective level – P1 or P2. It does NOT benefit you to do this ahead of that and taking the NREMT skills exam before you have passed PERCOM skills testing significantly increases the possibility that you will fail one or more skills tests for NREMT.  If you wish a PATT clearance, you need to message or email the Program Director after you complete skills testing. Keep in mind that your NREMT application and fee is only good for 90 days and if it takes you longer than that to complete the Computer Based Test (CBT), you will have to complete another application and pay another fee. Also, successful psychomotor exam results are only good for one year with NREMT unless you achieve certification during that time. If you do not, you will have to repeat the psychomotor exam as if you never passed it.

You may NOT take the CBT exam with NREMT until after we have marked you clear as course completed on the NREMT website. Once you turn in all your final data and paperwork to Mrs. Williams from your last AEMT rotation or Final Field Internship rotation and have taken and passed your graduate interview with Dr. Frame, the process to clear you for NREMT and course completion can take up to 2 weeks. It will take longer if at that point you have not set up and paid your NREMT application so be sure that is done when you complete your last AEMT rotation or pass your graduate interview. Be sure to notify Mrs. Williams when you think you have completed your final paperwork submission so she can prioritize your grading to see if you are clear to graduate.